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convert2anndata is an R package designed to seamlessly convert SingleCellExperiment and Seurat objects into the AnnData format, widely used in single-cell data analysis. The package supports the conversion of split layers (Seurat), assays, dimensional reductions, metadata, cell-to-cell pairing data (e.g., distances), and alternative experiments, ensuring a comprehensive transfer of information. If you encounter any issues or notice incomplete conversions, please feel free to report them on our GitHub issue tracker to help us continuously improve.


To install the convert2anndata package from GitHub through ssh, you can use the remotes package in R. If you don’t have remotes installed, you can install it first:


Then, install the necessary Bioconductor packages:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {
BiocManager::install(c("SingleCellExperiment", "SummarizedExperiment", "S4Vectors"))

Finally, install convert2anndata from GitHub:


Alternatively, install from GitHub authenticating through ssh:


Installation with renv

You can set up the package and its dependencies in a project-specific environment using renv. This approach ensures that all dependencies are installed in a consistent environment.

First, install renv if you don’t already have it:

Then, you can use the following steps to set up the environment and install all necessary packages, including Bioconductor packages, in one go:

# Initialize renv in your project directory

# Install the necessary packages, including Bioconductor packages

# Snapshot the environment

Note for Seurat Objects

If you want to convert Seurat objects, you will also need to install the Seurat package. Follow the installation instructions on the Seurat website.

Make an alias

Consider making an alias for the command line tool, e.g., with

alias c2a='Rscript -e "convert2anndata::cli_convert()"'
echo 'alias c2a="Rscript -e \"convert2anndata::cli_convert()\""' >> ~/.bashrc

Now you can use the command line toole, explained under Command Line Usage below, just by typing, e.g., c2a -h.


Command Line Usage

You can use the convert2anndata package from the command line to convert SingleCellExperiment or Seurat objects stored in RDS files to AnnData format (H5AD files). Here is an example of how to use it:

Rscript -e "convert2anndata::cli_convert()" -i /path/to/input_file.rds -o /path/to/output_file.h5ad

If you set up an alias, as suggested in the Installation section, then you can also conviniently run

c2a -i /path/to/input_file.rds -o /path/to/output_file.h5ad

Command Line Options

  • -i, --input: Path to the input RDS file containing the SingleCellExperiment or Seurat object. This option is required.
  • -o, --output: Path to the output H5AD file. If not specified, the output path is derived by replacing the .rds extension of the input path with .h5ad.
  • -a, --assay: The assay to use as the main matrix (anndata.X). Defaults to ‘counts’.
  • -d, --disable-recursive-altExp: Disable recursive recovery of altExperiments and discard them instead.
  • -h, --help: Show a help massage and exit.

R Usage

You can also use the convert2anndata package directly in R. Below are examples of how to convert SingleCellExperiment or Seurat objects to AnnData format within an R session.



# Load a Seurat object
seurat_obj <- readRDS("/path/to/input_file.rds")

# Convert to SingleCellExperiment if necessary
sce <- convert_seurat_to_sce(seurat_obj)

# Convert to AnnData
ad <- convert_to_anndata(sce, assayName = "counts", useAltExp = TRUE)

# Save the AnnData object
write_h5ad(ad, "/path/to/output_file.h5ad")

Find the function documentation in the reference manual or retrive the documentation through ?convert_to_anndata for any of functions.


This project is licensed under the GPL-3 License - see the LICENSE file for details.